The First Step To Great Health Starts With A Happy Gut!

The First Step To Great Health Starts With A Happy Gut!

If you're struggling with any of these symptoms:

  • Low Energy
  • Brain Fog
  • Stubborn Weight Gain
  • Painful Gas & Bloating
  • Frequent Headaches
  • Skin Problems
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Joint Pain

Then you're likely experiencing increased intestinal permeability, a digestive condition also known as “leaky gut.”

What is Leaky Gut?

Leaky Gut is when the cells of your intestines allow the wrong particles to pass through into your bloodstream.

Usually, only liquids, minerals, amino acids, glucose, and fats pass through the tight security of your intestinal walls and immune system.

But when unauthorized toxins, harmful bacteria, and proteins slip through, they cause inflammation throughout the body, including the brain, joints, and the entire digestive tract.

If the problem persists, your immune system can be overwhelmed. More on this later.

The Social Cost Of Undiagnosed Leaky Gut

Leaky gut symptoms have a profound impact on our ability to function in day to day life.

And these symptoms are highly associated with anxiety and depression, negatively affecting our personal and professional relationships.

This can lead to diminished confidence and social withdrawal, creating a vicious cycle.

We all want a life of peace and tranquility, but “leaky gut” leads to chaos.

But there is an answer.

Introducing The Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day System

This Doctor-recommended, Holistic Nutritionist formulated Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day system is designed for busy people who want the energy, vitality, and optimism that come with a healthy gut.

The 4-Part System includes 37 natural botanicals used for centuries to soothe and balance the gut gently and safely:

Part 1: Ultimate Internal Cleansing Fiber

A unique blend of 14 natural botanicals formulated to soothe, detoxify, and protect the intestinal tract while cleansing.

Mixed with water or juice and taken once a day, Ultimate Internal Cleansing Fiber is safe and gentle enough for everyday use.

Psyllium Husks

A soluble fiber that treats constipation and high-blood cholesterol.

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Flax Seed

Flax seeds are a great source of plant-based protein & can help reduce LDL-cholesterol.

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Fennel Seed

Fennel helps control heart rate and blood pressure and it's good for indigestion, constipation and bloating.

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Licorice Root

Licorice treats GI problems, fights stomach ulcers and boosts immunity.

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Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera lowers blood sugar, promotes a healthy digestive system & has soothing benefits.

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Grapefruit Pectin

Packed with Vitamins, grapefruit is a great booster for the immune system and improves digestion.

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Papaya Fruit

Papaya improves heart health and it's a great remedy for irritable bowel syndrome.

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Slippery Elm Bark

Slippery elm alleviates intestines irritation and treats acid reflux symptoms.

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Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root soothes digestive conditions & protects your digestive tract.

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Rhubarb Root

Rhubarb is a natural laxative, reduces bad cholesterol & it's great for weight loss.

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Alfalfa is a powerful antioxidant, rich in vitamin D, calcium & other minerals.

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Guar Gum

Relieves constipation, decreases blood cholesterol and helps in weight loss.

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Peppermint is a helpful ingredient in treating gastrointestinal disorders.

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Uva Ursi Leaf

Uva Ursi soothes urinary tract infections & bladder inflammation.

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Ultimate Internal Cleansing Fiber

Great Product*

I have been using the Ultimate Lifespan products for about 3 years now and I swear by them. I take the full 30-day program twice a year and use the Ultimate Internal Cleansing Fiber in between programs. This keeps me very regular and eliminates the bloated gut feeling I would experience in the past. I would strongly encourage anyone looking for an internal cleanse program to try this product. I have referred a few friends and they all love the product as well.

*Results are not typical and can vary.

Tom L.
Livonia, VA
United States

Part 2: Ultimate Anti-Parasite Support

Makes your digestive tract inhospitable for dangerous intestinal worms, their eggs and other parasites that can inhabit the body.

Taken once per day in vegicapsule form, Ultimate Anti-Parasite Support includes herbal remedies used for thousands of years and proven to be safe and effective.

Black Walnut Hulls

Black Walnut oxygenates the blood & expels parasites from the intestines.

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Pau D'Arco Powder

Powerful antifungal, cleans bowels and protects the intestines.

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Pumpkin Seed

Rich in healthy fats, can reduce blood sugar & good for digestive health.

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Clove Bud Powder

Strong antioxidant & rich in vitamins C and K - protects against stomach ulcers.

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Male Fern Root Powder

Promotes overall digestive health & encourages normal liver function.

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Grapefruit Seed Extract

Rich in essential oils, vitamin E: offers protections against stomach damage.

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False Unicorn Root

False Unicorn Root treats water retention & stimulates the appetite.

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Myrrh Gum

Has positive effects on the heart, liver and spleen - treats indigestion & ulcers.

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Garlic Bulb Powder

Reduces blood pressure, combats sickness & it's rich in vitamins C and B6.

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Turmeric Root

Powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory effects & bioactive compounds.

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Gentian Root

Gentian Root regenerates liver cells, stimulates appetite and improves digestion.

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Peppermint Leaf Powder

Has calming effects, treats nausea and improve the flow of bile.

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Fenugreek Seed Powder

Rich in fibers and minerals, helps control blood sugar & cholesterol level.

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Elecampane Plant

Improves stomach function, treats nausea and lung diseases.

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Prickly Ash Bark Powder

Improves blood circulation, treats joint pain and reduces inflammation.

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Yellow Dock Powder

Yellow Dock Powder is a great remedy for intestinal infections & a natural laxative.

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Ultimate Anti-Parasite Support

It Really Help My Gut*

It really helps my gut and side benefits are a noticeable decrease in appetite plus a boost in energy. I really like this supplement!

*Results are not typical and can vary.

Lisa B.
Wheaton, Illinois
United States

Part 3: Ultimate Probiotics

Ultimate Probiotics helps your body naturally eliminate toxins, support effective digestion, and maintain a healthy weight.

Hand-picked by a Holistic Nutritionist, this proprietary blend of healthy probiotic bacteria rebalances the microbiome of your digestive tract.

Taken once in the evening, Ultimate Probiotics includes specially coated vegicapsules designed to withstand stomach acids, so an effective dose of healthy probiotics enters your small intestine.

Ultimate Probiotics

Great Results*

I use Ultimate Probiotics daily as well as the Ultimate Internal Cleansing Fiber. Great results.

*Results are not typical and can vary.

James B.
Toronto, Ontario

Part 4: Ultimate Nighttime Cleansing Tea

A delicious, caffeine-free tea with 11 soothing and comforting botanicals.

When consumed before bedtime, Ultimate Nighttime Cleansing Tea works with your body’s chemistry to naturally and comfortably eliminate accumulated waste every morning.

Ultimate Nighttime Cleansing Tea is also specially formulated to support a good night’s sleep.

Senna Leaf

Stimulate muscle contractions in the intestines and boost the secretion of water in the colon.

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Chamomile Flower

Amazing healing effects, treats insomnia and boost immunity.

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Peppermint Leaf Powder

Cures indigestion, calms stomach muscles & improves the flow of bile.

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Fennel Seed

A rich source of potassium - helps control heart rate & treats constipation.

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Cinnamon Bark

Cinnamon stimulates appetite & treats different kinds of infections.

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Ginger Root

Ginger Root is a strong antioxidant and has powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

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Milk Thistle Seed

Helps in weight loss, treats liver problems & lowers cholesterols.

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Passion Fruit

Arich source of antioxidants and dietary fiber, can decrease the risk of diabetes.

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Licorice Root

A great remedy for stomach ulcers with immune boosting properties.

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Rhubarb Stem

Strengthens the bones, improves brain health and treats digestive disorders.

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Barberry is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Has antibacterial properties.

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Ultimate Nighttime Cleansing Tea

Fine To Use Daily*

"I’ve used this product for years and have loved it. Two of my doctors examined the list of ingredients and said they were fine to use daily. I feel like I’m doing my body good by ridding it of harmful toxins on a daily basis. I’ll use it for years to come!"

*Results are not typical and can vary.

Chantal F.
New Tripoli, PA
United States

"Healthy Gut, Happy Life" Recovery Plan

Start The 30-Day
Easy To Follow Plan

Notice Improvements
Every Day

Enjoy your
new life!

Our Story

Ultimate Lifespan was founded in 2005 by Buck & Daiva Rizvi.

Daiva Rizvi, BS, NC, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, suffered for years of with debilitating chronic fatigue, migraine headaches, and severe acne.

Buck Rizvi, a Natural Health Evangelist, was clinically obese, had itchy skin rashes, and often couldn’t sleep at night due to painful indigestion.

Together, they discovered that the root cause of all their problems was a controversial condition called intestinal hyper-permeability (or “leaky gut”). Over the years, this leaky gut drove a domino effect of chronic inflammation that started in their digestive tracts and fanned out to other parts of their bodies.

After careful research, they turned to the healing wisdom of natural botanicals and microorganisms used for centuries to soothe and heal the digestive tract.

Today they are shining examples of the joy that comes with a healthy, balanced gut.

Their success inspired Buck and Daiva to found Ultimate Lifespan and share their discovery with others in the form of the Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day System.

For more than 12 years, the Doctor-recommended Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day System has helped over 54,000 people worldwide in their own journey to a healthy, happy gut.

It's the best!*

"I do a cleanse twice a year. Not only do I lose about 5 pounds, but my stomach fat reduces and my IBS symptoms disappear. It also improves my facial skin texture and my hair becomes softer. It’s outstanding; I’m very glad that I found it. No other cleanses I’ve tried has ever beat the quality of this product -- I highly recommend."

*Results are not typical and can vary.

Connie S.
Hot Springs, VA

With a balanced, healthy gut you can say “YES!” to:

  • More Energy
  • A Flatter Stomach
  • Comfortable Regularity
  • Mental Clarity & Focus
  • Reduced Gas & Bloating
  • A Youthful Appearance

Here are what a few Verified Buyers have to say about the Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day System:

I am feeling happier!*

"I feel so much better after using this cleanse. I have more energy, my clarity of thought has improved and I am feeling happier in myself. Thank you."

*Results are not typical and can vary.

Jill M.
United Kingdom

It started working right away.*

"After having my first child I had gained unwanted baby weight. I decided to get serious and start dieting and exercising. After several weeks of dieting and exercising, I noticed the harder I worked out the more constipated I would get. So, in turn, I wasn’t losing weight. I always had problems with constipation, but not like this. So, I researched online and decided to give the Ultimate Digestive Health a try. I had nothing to lose, because I could order it, try it for 30 days and only pay for it if I was happy. After the first day on the Ultimate Digestive Health, I was pleasantly surprised that program was so easy to follow. I didn’t have to remember taking pills throughout the day. And it started working right away. My bowels starting moving every day since I’ve been on Ultimate Digestive Health. Sometimes 2-3 times a day. It feels good to be regular, I actually feel normal. Plus, the weight started coming off, in a healthy way! I plan on continuing the Ultimate Digestive Health because I enjoy feeling normal."

*Results are not typical and can vary.

Michele L.
Sarasota, FL

It's the best!*

"I do a cleanse twice a year. Not only do I lose about 5 pounds, but my stomach fat reduces and my IBS symptoms disappear. It also improves my facial skin texture and my hair becomes softer. It’s outstanding; I’m very glad that I found it. No other cleanses I’ve tried has ever beat the quality of this product -- I highly recommend."

*Results are not typical and can vary.

Connie S.
Hot Springs, VA


"I found this product 9 years ago. It helped me immensely. I could restore my energy and vitality. In the past 9 years my life turned upside down with a very serious break up. I am very glad I could find this pp product again and all I can, I was way past due for a cleanse. I feel again much better and going for the full 3 months.. With the amount of stress in my life, I am very happy this formula works so well. Thank you."

*Results are not typical and can vary.

Eva M.
Perris, CA

35 year-old mother of four.*

"I’m a 35 year mother of four, so naturally I’m on the go for most of my day. Recently my skin and hair started to become really dry and soon I was suffering from skin allergies, dry and breaking hair as well as becoming more constipated as I was turning into a stressed and anxious woman. As I started to introduce more greens, fruit and drink more water I still felt bloated and yucky from a lack of daily bowel movement. I came across The Ultimate Digestive Health on the internet and decided to give it a go. The 30-day risk-free trial was really inviting and I was feeling more bloated and had severe wind problems. I was relieved there was no side effects that restricted me from going out the house and searching for the nearest WC. Soon after starting I noticed a much softer bowel movement, my skin felt soft and smooth like a baby, my hair was starting to get some glow and life back in it and this is really amazing, my craving for sweet things has totally vanished. Before I would eat a meal then straight after I would crave for anything sweet to feel really satisfied. So I would totally recommend The Ultimate Digestive Health as A GREAT gift to your insides that will make you feel and look like a totally new person, inside and out!"

*Results are not typical and can vary.

Dawn C.
United Kingdom

When you choose the “Healthy Gut, Happy Life” Program you’ll receive:

Digestive Health
30-Day System
($97.00 value)

Digestive Health
30-Day System
($97.00 value)

“Lose The Leaky Gut
And Start Living!”
($19.00 value)

“Lose The Leaky Gut
And Start Living!”
($19.00 value)

30-Days of Delicious,
Holistic Nutritionist-Approved
Gut-Healing Meal Plans
plus Shopping Lists
($49.00 value)

Lifetime access to the
Ultimate Lifespan Private Community
for coaching, inspiration, and support
from our Natural Health Consultants
($179.00 value)

30-Days of Delicious,
Holistic Nutritionist-Approved
Gut-Healing Meal Plans
plus Shopping Lists
($49.00 value)

Lifetime access to the
Ultimate Lifespan Private Community
for coaching, inspiration, and support
from our Natural Health Consultants
($179.00 value)

Lifetime access to the
Ultimate Lifespan Private Community
for coaching, inspiration, and support from our Natural Health Consultants
($179.00 value)

The total value of the “Healthy Gut, Happy Life” Program is $295, which is far less than an initial consultation with a Naturopath.

But we’re making it available for just $97 for our full 30-day Program, with quantity discounts available if you’d like to try it with a friend or family member.

For about the price of a latte a day, you can finally experience the joy, energy and confidence that comes from having a healthy, balanced gut.

Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day System


"Lose The Leaky Gut And Start Living!" eBook


Ultimate Lifespan Private Community


Total Value

$295 $97

Our “Clean & Clear” Quality Promise

We manufacture our products in the USA in state-of-the-art facilities that are 3rd-party (NSF) certified compliant with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP).

And our products are always made with gluten-free, vegetarian, and non-GMO ingredients.

Because of our strict quality control, the complex logistics of manufacturing a multi-component 30-day system, and repeat customer demand, we often run out of stock.

If the “In Stock” indicator is showing, that means your order is guaranteed to ship out by the next business day.

We thank you for your patience if the red “Out of Stock” indicator is showing.

Our Industry-Leading 365-Day “Empty The Bottles” Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee

We’re so sure you’ll love the Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day System, you’re covered by our FULL 365-day “You Must Be Thrilled” money-back guarantee.

We want you to have plenty of time to experience the renewed energy, weight loss, pain-free mobility, and youthful appearance that comes with healthy, balanced gut.

If you’re not happy for any reason whatsoever, just let us know, and we’ll cheerfully issue a prompt refund. No hassles. No questions asked.

Two Paths:

Now that you know the root cause for “leaky gut” symptoms, such as:

  • Low Energy
  • Brain Fog
  • Stubborn
  • Weight Gain
  • Painful Gas & Bloating
  • Frequent Headaches
  • Skin Problems
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Joint Pain

We’ve come to a fork in the road

  • 1. You can continue down the frustrating path of short-term, quick fix solutions that only mask the real problem.
  • 2. Or experience our “Healthy Gut, Happy Life” 30-Day Program 100% Risk-Free and join our vibrant Ultimate Lifespan community of people who’ve taken charge of their health.

Why We Shouldn’t Ignore Our “Early Warning System”

“Leaky Gut” symptoms are the body’s way of signaling that something is out of balance.

But these symptoms are not the end of the story if the root cause it not fixed.

When the integrity of the gut is compromised for too long, full blown autoimmune disease is often the result.1

Diseases such as:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis - The body attack its own tissue, including joints.
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) - Chronic, painful inflammation of the digestive tract.
  • Psoriasis - Red, scaly, itchy, dry patches on the skin.
  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis - The immune system attacks the thyroid, leading to fatigue and unexplained weight gain.
  • Lupus - The immune system attacks joints, skin, kidneys, brain, heart and lungs.

Have been linked both to “leaky gut” and an increased incidence of depression.2

But by listening to our “early warning system” and bringing the gut back in balance, we can steer clear of potential trouble.

Take The Next Step

In summary, problems like brain fog, weight gain, headaches, and chronic fatigue are likely signs the gut is compromised, a condition known as “leaky gut.”

These problems not only affect us physically, but also our relationships and job performance.

Left untreated, the door is left open for autoimmune disease, anxiety, and depression.

The Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day System, along with the “Healthy Gut, Happy Life” Recovery Plan, is a Doctor-recommended solution for re-balancing your digestive tract.

Try Ultimate Digestive Health risk-free for the energy, confidence and peace of mind you deserve!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the Ultimate Digestive Health program safe?

A: The all-natural herbal ingredients used in the Ultimate Digestive Health program are safe, gentle and effective. Many of the ingredients have been used safely to treat digestive problems for thousands of years.

Q: Are there any side effects from using the Ultimate Digestive Health program?

A: The Ultimate Digestive Health program generally does not produce unwanted side effects. In some cases, the expelling of toxins and parasites may cause certain symptoms while the body is being cleansed. These include headaches, bloating, cramping, skin irritation, and fatigue. These symptoms are generally gone within a couple of days and you are left feeling healthy and more vibrant than ever.

Q: How easy is the program to use?

A: It’s a very easy to follow program. You simply take 4 of the Ultimate Anti-Parasite Support capsules each morning, followed by a glass of the all-natural Ultimate Internal Cleansing Fiber drink. Before dinner, take two Ultimate Probiotics capsules. And before going to bed, relax and enjoy a cup of great-tasting Ultimate Nighttime Cleansing Tea (caffeine-free, of course). You can follow your normal routine throughout the day.

Q: How quickly can I expect to start feeling the benefits of being on the Ultimate Digestive Health program?

A: You will most likely feeling great improvements right away. In some cases, it may take a few days to a couple of weeks to experience the full health benefits being on the program.

Q: Is the Ultimate Digestive Health program safe for pregnant or nursing women?

A: No. We do not recommend the Ultimate Digestive Health for pregnant or nursing women.

Q: Is the Ultimate Digestive Health program suitable for vegetarians?

A: Yes. The Ultimate Digestive Health is specifically designed for vegetarians and those practicing a vegan lifestyle.

Q: How many months should I be on the Ultimate Digestive Health program?

A: We recommend that you remain on the Ultimate Digestive Health program for 2 months in order to experience the maximum long term health benefit. In cases of severe leaky gut symptoms, we recommend an additional (3rd) month.

Q: Should I use be using a probiotics supplement while on the Ultimate Digestive Health program?

A: Absolutely! The healthy flora in your intestines needs to be replenished, especially while on a gut cleansing and detoxification regimen. We highly recommend you take our Ultimate Probiotics Formula that’s included with the Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day System.

Q: How long will it take for my order of Ultimate Digestive health to arrive?

A: For standard shipping in North America, the average shipping time is 3-5 days.

Q: Is Ultimate Digestive Health guaranteed?

A: Yes. We’re so sure that you’ll love Ultimate Digestive Health program, that we protect you with our Unconditional 365-day “You Must Be Thrilled!” Money-Back Guarantee. We want you to have plenty of time to experience and benefit from the product so you can discover for yourself how great it will make you feel.

If you’re not happy with your results, simply notify us up to one full year after purchase by calling

(800) 690-0844 (Outside U.S. +1-307-222-6771) or We’ll let you know right away how to return the unused portion for a 100% refund. No questions asked. No hoops to jump through.

We understand many people are skeptical when they hear what a new product might do for them. Realizing this, we decided to offer our “You Must Be Thrilled!” Guarantee program so that new customers would get the opportunity to experience the same health benefits our satisfied customers have already enjoyed, with no worries!

Q: How do I get help by phone?

A: You can reach our Customer Delight Managers by phone, Monday through Friday 7am – 3pm Mountain Time, by calling (800) 690-0844 (Outside U.S. +1-307-222-6771).

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Ultimate Lifespan, 1942 Broadway, Suite 314, Boulder, CO 80302
Phone: 1-800-690-0844, Email:

Copyright © Ultimate Lifespan 2019 - All rights reserved. *The statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Web site or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your doctor. You can also visit our home page to learn more about Ultimate Lifespan or Order.