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Why Probiotics are ESSENTIAL to a Healthy Diet

The stomach has lately been referred to more as the second brain because of the billions of neuro receptors along the gut lining. This massive neuro-network regulates immune function, hormones and inflammation response as well as nutrient absorption.

So, healthy digestive system begins with nurturing beneficial flora in the gut, like lactobacillus and acidophilus. When your gut gets out of balance of this “good bacterial” it can result in heartburn, digestive distress, energy depletion and many other symptoms.

By supplementing with natural sources of minerals and enzymes, as well as taking Probiotics, beneficial micro-organisms like lactobacillus and acidophilus can then flourish. A healthy diet of wider variety of brightly colored vegetables like carrots, beets and even grains like barley will provide a natural balance of vital minerals and crucial factors.

Aidophilus, Antioxidants, Flavenoids, Lactobacillus, and Phytochemicals

By taking Probiotics packed with lactobacillus and acidophilus and eating a healthy diet that includes a variety of raw vegetables and fruits you will also benefit from critical enzymes that your body needs. That’s why one of the oldest remedies for acid reflux is to eat an apple. But don’t peel the apple; the enzymes to digest the apple are in the peel.

In fact science is discovering the benefits of amazing chemicals in the skins of brightly colored fruits and vegetables called Phytochemicals.

There may be more to colorful food than meets the eye.

These phytochemicals, antioxidants and flavonoids may actually work to alleviate acid reflux, digestive imbalance and heartburn.

The bottom line is acid reflux and an unhealthy digestive system doesn’t have to rule your life. Being able to enjoy the food you eat is one of the benefits of being healthy. You may just have to cut back on fried and processed foods and learn to appreciate what nature has already prepared for you.

It’s been said that variety is the spice of life and it’s true. So why not take a walk through your grocer’s fresh produce isle or drop in on your local farmer’s market? So why not add a little color to your diet? Chances are if you are suffering from acid reflux you are not visiting nature’s rainbow of seasonal fruits and vegetables enough. So go ahead, re-introduce yourself to Mother Nature’s culinary rainbow and see what’s on the other side.

Watch this video for more heartburn and acid reflux relief secrets <===CLICK HERE

(A note from Buck: I always recommend jumpstarting a new and healthy diet with our Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day Internal Cleansing Program. It will help you to better absorb the critical nutrients and minerals you body needs and our FREE bonus Ultimate Digestive Health Probiotic Formula delivers 4 BILLION “good” bacterium like lactobacillus and acidophilus. To get $10 off your purchase of Ultimate Digestive Health use the promo code 10THANKS during checkout)