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A study just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that you can gain weight just by sleeping with a dim light on (like the glow from a nightlight). In a very creative experiment, researchers discovered that mice exposed to dim light during their sleeping hours gained 50% more weight than mice sleeping in total darkness. To confirm the effect of the light exposure in relation to other factors, the researchers reduced the caloric intake of the mice sleeping with the dim light on, and added...

If your main fat loss tool is long cardio… Jogging, long bike rides, an hour a day on the treadmill, or basically any cardio that takes you more than 16 minutes to complete… Then you have fallen for the “cardio myth”… and are probably having a hard time keeping the weight off. It’s About Energy Production You have two primary energy systems that support physical activity: Aerobic:  Produces energy slowly… used for long duration cardio Anaerobic:  Produces energy quickly… used for sprinting and short term energy bursts Intense activities use...